What is the difference between TERAOKA No.4140 and No. 4101?

Home / FAQs / What is the difference between TERAOKA No.4140 and No. 4101?

You might probably noticed that type 4140 and type 4101 are quite similar, since they are both polyethylene cloth adhesive tape. Despite all the similarities, there are some differences between type 4140 and type 4101.

Here are the differences:

Type  4101 Type 4140
Adhesion Low Strong
Peel adhesion
4.60(470) 13.22(1348)
Tensile strength (N/25㎜) 140.0 97.7
Elongation (%) 22 16
Ideal for
☆ For masking
☆ For paint masking
☆ For renovation works
☆ Used in construction masking
☆ Indoor masking
☆ For masking
☆ For paint masking
☆ For renovation works
☆ Used in construction masking
☆ Indoor masking
☆ Concrete masking
Colors Light green 7 colors avavliable:

Light green,Transparent,Blue,Red,Yellow,Black, Pink

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