Hancock’s (LONDON) Garment Marking Chalk
Hancock's (LONDON) Garment Marking Chalk are also known as “Tailors’ Crayons” and are suitable for marking virtually all textiles unless of a delicate nature and are removed from the material by light brushing. Available in white, yellow, red, blue, black or as an assortment. Chalks are available in triangle, oblong or axehead shapes. Printed display boxes contain either 50 or 25 pieces. Dark colored chalks should be used with EXTREME CAUTION on pastel colored material and standard precautions should always be taken before marking–up. How to use Mark darts using tailor’s chalk on a bodice of a garment for accuracy. Use chalk to mark the location of where to alter a seam on a garment or project. Chalk can be used to mark embellishment or button placement on a garment or craft…